Solving EV Charger Infrastructure Downtime. Supporting a Seamless Transition into an Electrified Future

Our Purpose

SkillFusion is improving the EV owner experience by ensuring high levels of charger reliability and uptime by better enabling the deployment of certified labor that is scalable across the nationwide charger network.

By fusing specialized skills with endless opportunity, our platform is increasing availability of certified electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) workers, ensuring service providers have seamless access to the right-trained service technician for every job, every single time.

From upskilling to dispatch enablement, SkillFusion’s industry-first approach provides EVSE operations and maintenance (O&M) service providers with access to a nation-wide credentialed talent pool for all service obligations. Through our cross-sector training and certification platform, SkillFusion is developing the most comprehensive talent pipeline of certified electrician and non-electrician workers available today.

electric vehicle infrastructure training program

The Genesis

As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, the industry is grappling with the unreliability of charger availability due to excessive downtime for maintenance. An issue that is becoming increasingly more important as the federal government. instills a mandated 97% uptime requirement for the equipment. This downtime is caused by the lack of skilled technicians and electricians trained and available to work on this new technology.

electric vehicle infrastructure training program


SkillFusion’s groundbreaking approach provides charger-agnostic skill enhancement and certification, creating a proprietary database of certified workers available to service the country’s growing EV charger network. The program developed by SkillFusion covers the full spectrum of skills needed to support charger operations, including licensed electricians and technicians specializing in technical support, networking and communications, cybersecurity, and more.

SkillFusion was founded under a collective commitment to advancing electrification and an unbridled passion for creating lasting impact. Co-founders Rue Phillips and Elaina Farnsworth connected in 2021 as both worked with the Make Hope Happen Foundation, Uplift San Bernardino, and eventually Green Paradigm to inspire students to explore career opportunities in electrification, charger installations, and beyond. Beyond the acquisition of technical skills, the collective mission is to nurture confidence and effective communication—truly empowering students to navigate their futures with purpose and resilience.

electric vehicle infrastructure training program

Meet the Team

Margaret O’Riley

Vice President of Business Development, SkillFusion

Eli Brown

Senior Production Manager, SkillFusion

Diane Weaver

Program Manager, SkillFusion

Khailey Avery

Executive Coordinator, SkillFusion

Axel Cooley

Digital Design & Social Media Specialist, SkillFusion

Lisa Oprita

Administrator, SkillFusion

Our Platform

To ensure our ability to connect the right people with the job, SkillFusion has developed the most comprehensive set of competency training and credentials for both electrical and non-electrical skill sets on a global scale.

MicroTraX is the unique backbone of our approach to skill enhancement and professional development which focuses on upskilling, training, and certifying workers for EV service, operation, and maintenance.

Customer Success Platform for EVSE O&M Providers

Key Features

ev charger maintenance

Our MicroTraX platform offers flexible video-based and in-person training options, allowing professionals to enhance their skills. 

ev charging station maintenance

Our approach breaks content down into “digestible” and on-demand segments that are deployed across different training pathways (called “TraX”), and are always aligned with sector’s ever-evolving technologies and standards.

ev charging station maintenance

Our partnerships with certification and credentialing providers allows MicroTraX to avoid “reinventing the wheel” by collaborating with others who possess existing expertise, research, and skills.